smash the stone tablets of law

ben goertzel

Whatever it is:
Stretch it to the limit, then
Scream a crazy scream!

The Incas stretched it to the limit, using their primitive technology
to build works of art dozens of kilometers in expanse, brains made
luminous by elephant photons, magic alive and one

We humans stretch it to the limit all the livelong day, we sacks of
bone and blood and muscle and miles of nerve and nerve made for tree-
swinging used for getting mortgages, made for splashing in primordial
oceans used for solving nonlinear equations, made for chanting tribal
wonders used for playing modal jazz, building floating cities,
electrical appliances for the housewife's convenience, space probes
zooming toward the sun and away from it

	-- the sun a ball of surreally hot fire --

Smash the stone tablets of law,
	reassemble the pieces into something
		more fully suiting your strangeness

Stretch the stone like elastic, mold it into multidimensional
	metaphors, rescaling and concealing with artistic rhythms;
		there is no value, no meaning, no law except that which
			I create right now -- 
				I've always known this but have to remind
					myself again and again --
						how quickly the plastic love
							fantastic hardens to
								law table stone

Build majestic fortresses of meaning, 
out of meaningless stone,
networks of networks of intricately fit-together nipple madness,
as close as you can get but still uncomprehending the spherical joy
light inside --

the Incas have no meaning except that which I give them
Stone has no meaning except that which I give it
My marriage has no meaning except that which I give it
Love has no meaning except that which I give it
Hate-filled rage has no meaning except that which I give it
Beauty has no meaning except that which I give it
Childhood has no meaning except that which I give it
Maturity has no meaning except that which I give it
Dancing naked on the pubic hairs of iridescent dawn has no meaning
	except that which I give it
Zero divided by impossible love has no meaning 
	except that which I give it
Caresses so alternatingly soft and intense as to involute skin
	universes across the gloving edge of moments have no meaning
	except that which I give them
Quillabamba, Cuzco, Qosqo, Oyantallaytambo, Pisac, Urubumba, 
	Villacahambra, have no meaning except that which I give them
Green boogers plucked from Satan's asshole have no meaning 
	except that which I give them
The first feelings in the cosmos have no meaning 
	except that which I give them
The curve of her ass in tight black sweatpants has no meaning 
	except that which I give it
The demigoddess who lurks around soul corners, smoking void cigarettes,
	speaking of death beliefs and touchflowers, has no meaning 
	except that which I give her
Leaping from peak to peak on green mountains has no meaning 
	except that which I give it
The drama of joy or sadness has no meaning except that which I give it
What sticks, looking you in the eye, the smacking noise when you kiss
	me, understanding value has no value and meaning has no meaning
	except so far as zero equals one, trees that castle at bugs in
	the citadel of consciousness, the third blind eye of the sun
	melted up in cosmic combinations with nonsense and sense-
	breeding magic, returning from my vacation to my regular life of
	e-mailing managing designing analyzing commuting talking has no 
	meaning except that which I give it
Perfection has no meaning except that which I give it
Failure has no meaning except that which I give it
Primal terror has no meaning except that which I give it
Warmth everywhere and unnamed has no meaning except that which I give it

	-- Stretching the web of words to the limit --